It was me and the boys today for painting fun and positive vibes! Everything from abstract to a burning tree in the forest being saved by a fire engine.
Each boy created their own painting after a short demonstration on how to blend colors on the canvas, make a color lighter or darker, and how to use a brush to give texture.
With one project completed and a light snack in their bellies, the boys and I talked about words which make them feel good. Positive vibes.
This fun and lively conversation brought forth these words and more:
Animals (make me happy)
I asked the boys to sit with their hands in their laps and to close their eyes (moms in attendance too) and we took a few deep breaths in and out while thinking about the word(s) they wanted to use for their second project.
This project was with markers and colored pencils. They were asked to write and/or draw their positive word(s) on a piece of paper. This paper was then matted, ready to take home and place in an 8X10 frame.
As with all my workshops, I request each participant stand up and present their work to the rest of the room, not simply to me. Good speaking practice! (Even artists must share their thoughts and meaning behind their art to potential buyers and onlookers.)
This hour and a half was delightful, energetic, and all boy! Aspiring young gentleman for sure!! A thrill for me.
"I loved everything about it. Everything. Thank you!" - A mom
I am looking forward to the next event coming the last weekend in April. Watch for details. It will be a family affair!
In health and happiness,
P.S. If you have a group (kids, professional, and/or family/girlfriends) you would like to schedule, please contact me at and let's create together!